Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs) for Quantitation of Select Nonvolatile Ginger Constituents
Purpose AOAC SMPRs describe the minimum recommended performance characteristics to be used during the evaluation of a method. The evaluation may be an on-site verification, a single-laboratory validation, or a multi-site collaborative study. SMPRs are written and adopted by AOAC stakeholder panels composed of representatives from industry, regulatory organizations, contract laboratories, test kit manufacturers, and academic institutions. AOAC SMPRs are used by AOAC expert review panels in their evaluation of validation study data for methods being considered for Performance Tested MethodsSM or AOAC Official Methods of AnalysisSM, and can be used as acceptance criteria for verification at user laboratories. 2 Applicability The method is required to quantitate [6]-, [8]-, and [10]-gingerols and [6]-shogaol in the matrices listed in Table 1. It is desirable, but optional, for the method to quantitate [8]- and [10]-shogaols; [6]-, [8]-, and [10]-paradols; [6]- and [10]-gingerdiols; [6]-, [8]-, and [10]-gingerdiones; and zingerone. 3 Analytical Technique Any technique that quantitates the analytes defined in the Applicability statement and satisfies the method performance requirements set forth in this SMPR. 4 Definitions Analytes.—Refer to Table 2 for the list of analytes, their chemical attributes, and identifiers. Refer to Figure 1 for the chemical structures. Dietary ingredient.—A vitamin; a mineral; an herb or other botanical; an amino acid; a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing total dietary intake; or a Recovery.—The relative percentage of the spiked analyte recovered from a given matrix following implementation of the complete analytical procedure. 5 Method Performance Requirements See Table 3. 6 System Suitability Tests and/or Analytical Quality Control Appropriate technique-specific system suitability criteria will be specified to demonstrate adequate method performance with respect to the claimed analytes. 7 Reference Material(s) NIST SRM 3398: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Rhizome NIST SRM 3399: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Extract USP Item No. 1291504: Powdered Ginger USP Item No. 1291446: Ginger Constituent Mixture NIST may be able to offer additional reference materials. Contact Catherine Rimmer, Research Chemist, NIST, at email: or Tel: (301) 975-3651. See Table 4 for a list of commercial sources of ginger constituents. Refer to Annex F: Development and Use of In-House Reference Materials in Appendix F: Guidelines for Standard Method Performance Requirements, Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (20th Ed.), AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD, USA (http://www.eoma. 8 Validation Guidance Each required analyte and each claimed optional analyte should be evaluated in all claimed matrices. For each matrix evaluated, an explicit list of analytes to which validation is applicable should be provided. Appendix D: Guidelines for Collaborative Study Procedures to Validate Characteristics of a Method of Analysis, Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (20th Ed.), AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD, USA (http://www. Appendix F: Guidelines for Standard Method Performance Requirements, Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (20th Ed.), AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD, USA ( Appendix K: Guidelines for Dietary Supplements and Botanicals, Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (20th Ed.), AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD, USA ( 9 Maximum Time-to-Result None.
A Bzhelyansky, G Atkinson, LV Brown, P Burns… - Journal of AOAC …, 2017
... Table 4. Commercial sources of ginger constituents Commercially available ginger constituents Gingerols Shogaols Paradols Zingerone [6]-Gingerol [8]-Gingerol [10]-Gingerol [6]-Shogaol [8]-Shogaol [10]-Shogaol [6]- [8]- [10]- Chengdu Biopurify
Xa X X X X X X Chromadex X X X X X X Extrasynthese X X X Phytolab X X X X X X ...